Saturday 22 September 2012

The Interactive White Board

Interactive White Board

The IWB is a useful when teaching the younger students.  These students can actually manipulate objects on the whiteboard to promote understanding. I have never used the whiteboard myself but when I saw it used, the teachers used it for power point presentations and demonstration. There were no student interactions with the board. When I saw the lessons, I not think much about how these whiteboards could have been used to enhance the teaching and learning process.  I did not realize that they really could be used to promote interactivity. Ignorance is really a bliss! What made it so sad, is that I was assessing lessons for teaching practicum sessions but I did not comment on the lack of students interactivity with the whiteboard. Now I think about it, the lessons ended up being very teacher centered. The article entitled: Investigation, The Educational Value of Interactive Whiteboards in the 21st Century Classroom by Allan Alach really opened my eyes. This article will make me question if the teacher was still engages in explicit teaching rather than allowing direct student interaction with the board. I will not assess lessons conducted by my teacher trainees in the same way where the whiteboard is used.  There is obvious a need for further training in the use of the IWB.

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