Wednesday 26 September 2012

One to one learning in the classroom

One to one learning in the classroom

Picture of some of my students using their individual laptops to complete an assignment. Notice the students are doing their individual tasks,yet they are able to collaborate and share ideas. 

 Using different forms of instructional media

The benefits of using different instructional media are evident here.  The students are using a text with visuals and the I phone is used to gain supplementary information.  Clearly the one to one learning devices are a must in the classroom particularly for the older students.

St Vincent and the Grenadines must ensure that students are competitive  in the global market. Access to ICT will  be one way to prepare students.  The government through an OECS policy initiative has implemented the 'one lab top per child' to improve ICT in the schools.  ICT improvement is a priority recommendation for Universal Secondary Education  (USE). This USE implementation meant that the traditional computer lab in one assigned space has to give way for one to one learning in different environments.

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