Wednesday 24 October 2012

Cell phones in the classroom

Smart cell phone use in the elementary classroom

 The smart phone, a must for the 21st century student!

 Cell Phones as Learning Tools

 The phones have so many features to support learning that teachers are not aware of.  In this information age we must see how they can be integrated into the teaching and learning process. They are becoming increasingly lightweight with bright LED screens the numerous features ensure students are drawn to them like moths to a light. WE CANNOT BAN THEM FROM THE CLASSROOM!

As teachers we must learn how to integrate cell phones in our lessons.  There has to be guidelines about how and when they can be used. Students are going to come with them to school, the question is should we ask them to keep them in lockers until the end of the school day? Definitely not!  We must recognize the potential of cell phones to keep our kids safe in the the event of  emergencies. As adults we use the cell phone on a regular basis and yet expect the students not to use them.  As teachers we should actually ask the students to put them on silent mode but invite them at specific times in the lesson to use them, for example, to do research about a particular topic.   I am of the opinion that when there are computers and tablets available then they should be used.  If the students only have cell phones then their use in the classroom should be encouraged.

 It is difficult to guide the use cell phones out of the classroom  but the school should devise a protocol  on how to use them, for example during the school breaks and out of the classroom.  The parents must be involved in the drafting of these rules. Periodic reviews of these rules must take place to ensure the are in keeping with the school's mandate, the education acts of the various countries and they are reflective of the technological age.  In my experience in the classroom, I have found that the parents or other adults are the ones who cause the disruptions when they call or text the students. Parents need a lot of education about how disruptive cell phones can be when they call their children in the times.  I think a class or two per week on the use and misuse especially for the younger children should be conducted.   Can we ban the cell phone from the classroom if we have not fully used them as learning tools and we have not educated our students about the positives and the negatives of their use?

I am so accustomed  to see students whipping out their cell phones to look for example, a definition, that to think of asking studenst to refrain from using them will be really be untenable.  I will caution the students about letting them ring in the classroom and unless it is some form of assessment where I do not want cell phones to be used, then I allow their use.

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